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Faber Furious At Shyne Stacking Standard Bearer Deck
Wed, September 4, 2024
If you didn't hear Saldivar, he said the 528 delegates will decide. Of course, they don't even agree with the current list of delegates recognized by the UDP secretariat.

And that's because the Barrow leadership has been removing and replacing standard bearers and their delegates literally like nobody's business.

And that's what Faber says is one of the biggest current problems with the party: the removal of standard bearers without proper procedure. He says it's something they simply cannot put up with anymore. He explained why.

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"And I want to be clear that it is not about individuals, we in their alliance, which is why this white paper is being introduced. It is about fixing the structures. It is about following proper processes."

"They go back to the case of Philip Willoughby. You can't just remove Philip Willoughby because you pay for the man ring, the man trick you into paying for his ring and your ego get hurt. You can't do that, cannot do it."

"You cannot remove Beverly Williams simply because she moved with like minds in another forum that condemned your actions. This is what is happening and they are completely wrong and the infractions go on."

"The biggest infractions in my view are the ones where they deny the members of the national convention who signed those petitions in the droves 200 plus members and then 232 in one instance and 208 in the other instance or thereabout."

"And then the party chairman just dismisses those people. Well, he will know the power of those delegates when October 6th come because, sorry if tell you Mr. Peyrefitte, you don't get to tell us, the majority of the delegates of this party, who is going to run this party."

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