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Faber Takes Shot At "Unelectable" Colleagues
Wed, September 4, 2024
And - while he did try to be somewhat restrained - Faber fell right back into the familiar UDP style of taking digs at their own colleagues. He says that the Alliance cannot support a candidate who will not be able to deliver a victory. He claims that haphazardly handpicking candidates could cost them the election.

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"You can't just go hand pick somebody because you want to support you and that is the number one reason why the united democratic party is in trouble with the voters today because we have some of the weakest candidates."

"I'll give you a example, one in Fort George, one in Pickstock. I call name, I call the divisions. They can't win, but they are kept in position simply because they are yes sir to the party leader."

"That is wrong. That is wrong. We must have a proper way to select our candidates. It must be established. In fact, it is already established in the constitution how this ought to be done. Already established."

"We just need to follow the rules and as one person who read the white paper said to me it's not so much a matter of changing and putting in new stuff. It is a matter of enforcing what is there and whatever else you put in, make it enforceable."

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