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Faber Says Shyne Didn't Deliver On Reform
Wed, September 4, 2024
And aside from being able to select and agree on which candidates they are in support of, Faber says that they should also have a right to change their minds in supporting a leader. He recalls when Barrow first won as party leader and later failed to uphold his commitment to party reform:

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"The same meeting that decided that they would have supported Shyne Barrow up to the next election and my colleagues who supported him, I don't hold it against them as my friend the Honorable Tracy Panton reminded you, we're got a right to change our mind and it, well they changed their mind. I have got my mind set long time, but they have a right to change their mind, but in that same National Party Council meeting there were two agreements made. One, was that we would proceed for that convention to properly amend the party's constitution for the many ambiguities that exist, but also to look at how we select the leader."

"If you go back to the record and you check what was said by Barrow immediately after winning, so called winning, because we all know that convention was stolen, the recount was denied, but if you check his remarks immediately after that convention the first thing he spewed out of his mouth is that we will reform the constitution of the party and to this day he has kicked that down the road, kicked it down the road, you don't even hear him talk about it anymore. That has got to be changed."

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