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Alliance For Democracy Proposes A Way Forward
Wed, September 4, 2024
So where would they begin in terms of reforming their version of the UDP? Faber put forth a document titled "Reforming For The Future: A Vision For A Democratic And United UDP."

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"It is a comprehensive strategy for reforming the UDP at a time when our party faces unprecedented internal challenges, challenges that threaten our ability to effectively represent the people of Belize."

"The Alliance for Democracy recognizes the urgent need for this change, and this document outlines our vision for that change, and it will focus on three main areas. The first is restoring our democratic processes."

"You've listened as the Honourable Panton outlined a number of infractions that have been dealt to members, but the wider party as well, by the current leader and leadership in general of the party. We've heard about the practices having to do with just haphazard decision -making."

Again, a release from the UDP this evening says, quote, "For the avoidance of doubt, Tracy Panton, Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and Beverly Williams are no longer members of the United Democratic Party.

The application period to fill the vacancies for UDP Standard Bearers in the Albert, Belmopan, Belize Rural Central and Collet Constituencies closes September 6, 2024."

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