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He Ran Up 1,200$ On OW Woman's Missing Credit Card
Thu, September 5, 2024
He ran up a bill of over a thousand dollars in groceries on a stolen ATM card - and tonight Andrew Smith is in jail waiting sentencing for two counts of card theft...

He ran up a bill of over a thousand dollars in groceries on a stolen ATM card - and tonight Andrew Smith is in jail waiting sentencing for two counts of card theft.

Smith went on a spree at Marage Store on Albert Street and Twins Supermarket on St. Thomas Street swiping a total of $1,270.42 dollars off her stolen Belize Bank Credit Card. Smith - who is a stevedore - pleaded guilty but told the Magistrate that he did not steal the card. He claims he was set up by three men who purchased the items and made him use a card they claim belonged to a family member.

The card was stolen from an Orange Walk woman, Lucilla Garcia, who lost her purse with all her cards after visiting Golden Bay Store two weeks ago. By the time she visited the Belize Bank in Orange Walk to cancel her card, that's when she found out that it had been swiped at those two stores.

And how did police find Smith? Well, Dibary store called police when he went in there attempting to purchase a cell phone with Garcia's ATM Card.

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