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Where Will Patrick And Tracy Sit?
Thu, September 5, 2024
Turning now to politics - a house meeting has been announced for next week - the first after the usual summer recess. And, this'll bring the UDP's internal crisis to a head very quickly - because two of its representatives are deemed to have resigned from the party. So where will they sit in the House Chamber?...

Turning now to politics - a house meeting has been announced for next week - the first after the usual summer recess.

And, this'll bring the UDP's internal crisis to a head very quickly - because two of its representatives are deemed to have resigned from the party. So where will they sit in the House Chamber? Jules Vasquez tried to figure that out:

In 2011 when the UDP deemed that Marcel Cardona had constructively resigned from the ruling UDP,

this is where he was placed, at the far end of the opposition back bench with the dubious label "non affiliated".

As the news noted at the time:

News Anchor
"We note that this is a designation that has never been used in the history of our Parliament."

Well, we'll know by next Friday if it will be used again. A communique has gone out for a house meeting on the 13th,

And the UDP has declared that Tracy Panton and Patrick Faber are no longer members of the UDP. Shyne Barrow says he has written to the House Speaker to tell her as much. Precedent suggests that it's the speaker's decision:

Dean Barrow, Former PM
"We made our representations to the speaker in terms of pointing out that Mr. Cardona has issued press releases and said various things indicating that he no longer supported the government, And we left it at that, so as to where he was seated entirely a decision of the Speaker."

So will Tracy and Patrick end up at the back end of the opposition bench in a political nether zone?

Patrick Faber, 5 Term Collet Rep
"Why do you think that the speaker will encourage the current leader? And where will we be put other than right on the opposition benches?"

Jules Vasquez:
"At the back on the second bench tho."

"And we could still talk just as much and do what we want. Matter of fact, Sister B is in the front and that doesn't matter. Where they put you to sit down clearly does not matter. We can still raise the kind of awareness against the wrongdoing of the government."

Jules Vasquez:
"But you all will not be recognized as UDP's. Formally."

"That's his position, that would be his position. That does not make me, does not make Tracy any less of UDP. In fact we're telling you because many were hoping that this press conference would announce a breakaway, some third party. We are UDP's and we will not be taken out of our own party weh we put blood sweat and tears eena." (Applause)

And that's the spirit of defiance they'll take into next Friday's house sitting - but it will be hard to match Cardona's level of outrage on those heady days in 2011:

Marcel Cardona
"PM, listen, for the record, the people of Orange Walk East elected me, and if you want me out, call elections now! Call elections now! You have the power! Call it now! Call elections now!" (Shouting ruckus (walks out).

Stoned in the head for what he said - will the UDP hecklers be waiting for Tracy and Patrick too? It's unlikely, but we'll know in 8 days.

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