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Joint Unions And Government Start Talks On New CBA
Thu, September 5, 2024
Less than three months ago, GOB and the Joint Unions signed a CBA after 16 years. But after all that time, the CBA basically expired before it could really be put to use. So now government and unions are back at the table and this time the CBA has to include a review and eventual phasing out of the non contributory pension scheme...

Less than three months ago, GOB and the Joint Unions signed a CBA after 16 years. But after all that time, the CBA basically expired before it could really be put to use. So now government and unions are back at the table and this time the CBA has to include a review and eventual phasing out of the non contributory pension scheme. Acting Prime Minister Cordel Hyde says they've made a revolutionary review of the pay scales:

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