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Education Minister Supports UB Board But Defers To MOHW
Thu, September 5, 2024
But, is it all too late, has the ship already sailed on this land deal? Well, maybe not. The University of Belize board of governors meets next week and the Chairman Godfrey Smith has indicated that they would be willing to reconsider another location on the UB's 800 acres for the University Hospital...

But, is it all too late, has the ship already sailed on this land deal?

Well, maybe not. The University of Belize board of governors meets next week and the Chairman Godfrey Smith has indicated that they would be willing to reconsider another location on the UB's 800 acres for the University Hospital. We asked the Minister of education about this today and whether he would support another pitch to the Ministry of Health:

Francis Fonseca,Minister of Education
"UB has always maintained that they have been prepared to make land available for this hospital but again I repeat the ministry of health does not tell me where to build schools and I will not tell the ministry of health where to build hospitals they are the experts and we will be guided by them. UB of course remains as the chairman said absolutely prepared to make land available on its campus for that tertiary hospital."

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