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Who's To Blame For UDP Fiasco In BRS?
Fri, September 6, 2024
And while August and Garbutt extoll their leader's newfound ability to listen - who was he listening to when he made Ramon Vasquez standard bearer for Belize Rural South? It was an appointment that lasted three days - but the after - embarrassment has continued for weeks and for good reason - sicken Vasquez was recently seen profiling at the PUP Prime Minister's convention.

We asked about those major public mis-steps that defy all political logic:

Jules Vasquez
"How can you defend the indefensible behavior of your leader, Shyne Barrow, when he does things, or someone does it, like bringing a standard bearer, like Ramon Vasquez swearing in, or just let him sign on paper, no UDP bona fides, he then defects, rejects, being rejected by Ramon Vasquez is no ordinary rejection, rejects, and then he defects the PUP, and then you bring in somebody without any UDP bona fides, with actual PUP loyalty, which is the gentleman, Harmouche from San Pedro, like, when you see these things, and I believe, personally, that Shyne is the moving hand behind it, how do you sit and defend these things, Mr. Deputy?"

Alberto August, UDP Deputy Chairman
"I am not defending, I will never seek to defend a position like that, but you know, in every situation, not all of us are perfect, and that is one of the reasons why we are saying that we need to bring the party together, we need to bring this party together so that we can those little imperfections."

Jules Vasquez
"It's not little, but..."

Alberto August, UDP Deputy Chairman
"I consider them as being little."

Jules Vasquez
"Little? this is a mass party, you all look like joke."

Alberto August, UDP Deputy Chairman
"Okay, okay, those imperfections, if the party was not concentrating, if the leader of our party was not concentrating on outing internal fires, then those are some of the areas that we have not ventured into."

Jules Vasquez
"Alberto, as a deputy chairman, you have to accept that the recent moves by the UDP to stack up loyalists as standard bearers, removing duely elected standard bearers, and installing new ones by WhatsApp group, and Round Robin, and this type of consensus, those things are explicitly against, if not the letter of the Constitution, certainly the will of the party Constitution to just slap dash bringing three standard bearers and a new committee in one fell swoop just to protect Shyne Barrow so that they cannot succeed with a recall. Those things are repugnant to the Constitution of the UDP."

Alberto August, UDP Deputy Chairman
"Well, this is why Jules, we continue to maintain that the Constitution needs major amendments. As you go along, as you go along, seeking to get your party together, there will be some little mistakes. I call them little mistakes happening here and there."

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