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E-Bus Revenue Robust
Fri, September 6, 2024
7 weeks have passed since the E-buses started running in the City, and so far commuters have embraced the transition to clean energy transportation - even if it costs a little more and stops a little less. The mayor says that the good reviews are borne out by the revenue collection, and he shared those figures with us today.

Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor
"Remember I gave out the preliminary figures for a five week period and the five week period saw 15,000 people you would using the buses which generated in gross revenues something like 33,000. We have had a second week following that five week span and what I can tell you is that within one week after that five weeks span we have had over 4000 people riding the buses in one week after school had opened. So clearly that is like 30% of the previous for weeks in terms of ridership being generated in one week so clearly there is this by the people of the Belize City that they are very pleased with the E transit program and they are clamoring for additional buses."

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