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Teenage Girl Is 28th Motorcycle Fatality
Mon, September 9, 2024
A teenager is dead and a 22 year old was critically injured in a motorcycle accident yesterday morning in Santa Elena town. It happened at one of the busiest intersections in the town.

Tonight, the police are saying that the motorcycle crashed into the pickup - but the grandmother of the deceased sees it differently.

Here's what she told us today:

A fatal motorcycle collision in Santa Elena yesterday morning claimed the life of a young University graduate, 19 year old Tamisha Jeal. Jeal was traveling on the back of a motorcycle driven by her cousin 22 year old Keenan Wragg when they collided with a pickup on Carrillo Puerto Avenue. Wragg and Jeal were both severely injured, but Jeal did not survive. Their grandmother was in church when she got the call.

Sandra Wragg, Grandmother of Deceased
"It is a very sad moment for my family and I and even all her friends church brothers and sisters but we have to hold up the best way that we can. My granddaughter was on the bike which just so happened they had to borrow the bike to get home the Saturday night and they were taking the cycle back and that's when the accident happened. They went to get some gas and as they were coming out they were hit by this big pickup you know and I got the news because I met them in Santa Elena and I had gone to church when I got the call. And I don't usually have my phone in church but for some unknown reason I believe it was gods will I had my phone on. And I grabbed my bag and I raced to the hospital praying and crying as I went along and hoping that nothing bad had happened to any of them. My grandson is Keenan Wragg. He was the one driving the motorcycle."

Wragg says that though her grandson survived his recovery will not be easy

Sandra Wragg, Grandmother of Deceased
"It was the worst moment of our lives. It was kind of hard to hold up because there wasn't a dry eye out there and we were still waiting for the news of my grandson to see what condition he was in. The sad thing is that when I went in to see him it broke my heart because his arm was all broken up and his other arm was damaged too and they were on the verge of taking him to Belmopan for a Cat Scan."

Wragg says that aside from the grief that they have to deal with, all the family wants is for the pickup driver to take responsibility:

Sandra Wragg, Grandmother of Deceased
"My granddaughter was a really really happy young lady. She was quiet she never mixed much. She kept to herself she never said much but she was a humble lovely young lady. So for us to go through this and to know she was just celebrating her birthday the day before it's very hard. It's really hard on the family. It will be hard for us to cope with, hard for us to do, hard for us to go through but we know the god that we serve. We serve a mighty great big God and everything happens for a reason and a purpose. And I am saying today that I forgive the driver who was driving that vehicle but I just hope and pray that he will come forward and own up to what he did and come and see us. We won't storm at him, we just want him to man up for what happened out there yesterday."

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