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UB Board Agrees To Offer GOB Alternate Location
Wed, September 11, 2024
And in other news, the University of Belize's Board of Governors met today at their campus in Central Farm. Several issues were discussed, including the hot-button one: Belmopan's proposed tertiary level hospital. Luke Martinez, who is a board member and president of the NTUCB, has maintained that the UB board needed to call MOHW to the table and offer an alternative.

And that's exactly what the board agreed upon today. Following the meeting, the chairman, Godfrey Smith, spoke to us.

Godfrey Smith, Chairman, UB Board of Governors
"The board discussed the matter of why the UB land was rejected and the board resolved that I should communicate through the appropriate channels to the government that we are prepared to offer an alternative location."

"And if they are willing to consider that, then we can get into the mechanics of where and when and how, assuming the government is interested. We were recognized, as we discussed in the board, that the ship may have already sailed, but still the board resolved that we should say to the government, offer them the possibility, if they're interested, to examine an alternative piece of land from the acreages that UB has."

"So that was basically the decision."

"Have you a pinpoint where on the land that would be?"

Godfrey Smith, Chairman, UB Board of Governors
"No, and again, we discussed that. We thought it best first to find out, look, is the exercise even worthwhile or is it too late?"

"If it's not, then we can put together a team to discuss how and when and the mechanics of it. A lot has gone into that. It doesn't mean, of course, that there will not be continued affiliation between UB and that particular hospital, wherever it is located."

"But certainly several board members expressed the view that it would have enhanced the profile of the university if it was in close proximity to where other aspects of university life occurs."

"You agree with your fellow board member, Mr. Martinez, that this is something that the auditor general or contractor general should have looked into before the land was bought?"

Godfrey Smith, Chairman, UB Board of Governors
"I think, as I've said to Brother Luke Martinez, a board member, there are two different things. When he advocates, he often advocates in his capacity as president of the National Trade Union, Congress of Belize. Part of their scope is to advocate and to be activist. The role of the board is entirely different."

"We deal simply with macro policies governing the direction that university should take. So we cannot and will not be dragged into the minutiae of politics or controversies like this."

That correspondence with the government will be taking place before the end of the week.

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