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Murder Victim Cremated, His Mother Never Got To See His Face
Thu, September 12, 2024
Many questions linger about the still unsolved murder of Dornell Talbert, and tonight, his family has questions as to how he was accidentally cremated...

Many questions linger about the still unsolved murder of Dornell Talbert, and tonight, his family has questions as to how he was accidentally cremated.

As the family continues to make preparations for his funeral, the 26 year old's mother spoke with us about their great misfortune in laying their loved one to rest.

I headed to Double Head Cabbage this morning and here's what we found out.

This is the grave that the Talbert family had prepared to lay their loved one, 26 year old Dornell Talbert to rest after he was shot and killed Saturday evening while heading home en route to Double Head Cabbage. His mother who arrived in the country yesterday says that upon receiving the news that her 1 of 5 sons had passed away, all she wanted was to see him. But on top of her grief, she was informed that he had been mistakenly cremated by the funeral home.

Stephanie Talbert, Mother of decease
"Saturday morning, the Saturday morning around 8:30. I talked to him. He was very happy and I think it is a blessing that I got to talk to him that Saturday because it was the last time I saw him even though it was on the phone. It was the last time I ever got to see my son alive because with all this now I came to bury my son and now they gave me an urn with ashes."

"And with all this happening, I don't know how I will even get closure from my son now without a body."

Talbert says that they gave the funeral home clear instructions in relation to Darnell's burial, but somewhere along the line some form of miscommunication occurred at their end.

Stephanie Talbert, Mother of decease
"Funeral preparation started from like Sunday and when I arrived yesterday afternoon, I knew that my son never went back to the morgue when he left Monday for the autopsy. He did not go back to the morgue. I knew that since yesterday."

"And you guys as a family, you gave them specific instructions as to what you had wanted?"

Stephanie Talbert, Mother of decease
"Yes, it was clear. No mistake. Nothing we were on page until yesterday. Then I knew different that they cremated my son. They are saying it is an error, mistake."

"How could it be a mistake when there is a protocol? You need paper you need a family member, you need whatever they do when they do a cremation of a body sort of family member. You know you can't do that. I mean, it is hard to understand something like that just happen."

"I dealt with Mr Munnings, Mr Andrew and he called me and told me it was a bad mixup that they burned my son's body. He did not give permission, he says. But the guy overheard something about cremation. And he cremated him."

Talbert says that they will proceed with his burial, just not how they had imagined. And now this mother is left to grieve her child, without being able to see his face again.

Stephanie Talbert, Mother of decease
"I've never felt or seen something like this in my life before. There are so many questions and answers. There's just a whole lot of questions and no answers. I Need answers, I need closure."

"I mean what are we going to do with this now we still have to finish it we are going to finish it we are just going to put the urn in this big empty space. It's just so hard I mean how could such a thing happen. He died already, that's harsh enough. Now to know that I can't get to see him? They burned him? How much of a coincidence is that? I mean there are more questions than answers. I don't know how or when or I just don't even know."

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