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Rodwell Loses 3rd CEO, Said He Wanted To Be A Teacher
Thu, September 12, 2024
And another internal issue the minister keeps having is that of his CEO's leaving. Gilroy Middleton was his third CEO and last month, he resigned. While the two previous CEO's, Marconi Leal Jr and Adele Catzim were transferred to other ministries, Ferguson told us today that Middleton decided to return to teaching...

And another internal issue the minister keeps having is that of his CEO's leaving. Gilroy Middleton was his third CEO and last month, he resigned. While the two previous CEO's, Marconi Leal Jr and Adele Catzim were transferred to other ministries, Ferguson told us today that Middleton decided to return to teaching.

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
"People decide if they want to stay at a particular job, or they want to move on. Before the CEO left we had a very good relationship, he said Minister I think my passion is in teaching and I want to go back into the classroom and he went back to the classroom."

"And do you know who will replace him?"

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
"At the moment I have one person working temporary until the Prime Minister decides to bring in a CEO"

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