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Call Center Recruiting Inside Lake I
Thu, September 12, 2024
They have a seemingly endless appetite for labour and the Ready Call Center was recruiting in Lake I today. And rather than wait for job prospects to show up they went into Swift Hall looking for them...

Ashley Pook, Recruitment Manager, Ready call BPO "So the purpose of this job fair that we are having here today, is to reach out to the community of the Lake independence area. We know that there's a lot of young vibrant am individuals that may be looking for a job but don't know where to go, or sometimes they may be shy or things like that and don't want to come into the office so we decided to do a job fair , we also decided to partner up with different businesses such as the labour department, social security, and the department of youth service."

"What could you tell us about the motive out here today?

Ashley Pook, Recruitment Manager, Ready call BPO
"Ok so the motive out here today , is to see if we can get at least I would say, 50 too a 100 applicants, what we are doing is on the spot interview and if we fit the criteria what we do is we transport you to our main location which is the Icon building to do the further interview process, probably do a final interview to see if your selected for one of the campaigns that we are hiring."

"The major things that we relooking for is how well you can communicate, we check lets say if your going to school, the location and we also look for what ability, if you have any customer service experience any call center experience things like that."

"We start hiring from 18 years or older, that's the age range that we are looking for."

"And if someone miss today, is there anymore job fairs coming up?"

Ashley Pook, Recruitment Manager, Ready call BPO
"If you miss today we are doing walk in interviews from Monday too Saturday, Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm and then on Saturday 8 until 3, so you still have a chance to come to our main location which is at 119 new town Barracks which is the icon building and slip in to apply all you need is a valid social security card and a resume"

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