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Faber And Tracy Support Ties With Taiwan, Barrow Not So Much
Fri, September 13, 2024
And the motion that led to the committee meeting that then led to the fiery adjournment wasn't a loan motion or supplementary appropriation which usually leads to explosive debates. Rather, it was a simple motion to celebrate 35 Years of diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

The motion was supported by two of four members present on the opposition side - which, as you heard earlier, caused the government side to joke about Faber "crossing the floor."

But why didn't Barrow stand up in support? Well, he explained that he's skeptical about Taiwan's generosity towards Belize, and believes that they are interfering in our local politics. He also believes grants are being given under false pretenses for campaign finance support. He voiced some of these concerns under the mic in the House while Briceno was wrapping up the debate.

At the end, the government requested a division, during which the PUP members all voted yes to the motion, while Barrow abstained.

Of course, Faber and Panton voted yes and here's what they said during the debate.

Patrick Faber, Area Rep., Collet
"Madam speaker I prefaced my remarks on this motion today by saying that I hope I can speak on behalf of the opposition. I say that Madam Speaker because indeed we are bound to be on the same page but when we're not a part of the parliamentary caucus that decides on what position we'll take, we just have to assume we're on the same page. And so Madam Speaker, I'm sure my leader will get up and correct me if this is not the position but on behalf of the opposition, we express our full support. There's one opposition, it's an opposition to the government, his Majesty's loyal opposition. On behalf of the opposition we express our full support for this motion to commemorate and celebrate 35 years of diplomatic ties between Belize and the Republic of China, Taiwan."

Tracy Panton, Area Rep., Albert
"I stand in this honorable house Madam Speaker - can we have respect for the motion, member for Pickstock? Thank you - to affirm and support this motion that seeks to solidify the relationship, the friendship, the partnership between Belize and Taiwan."

At the end of the debate, the PM rose and chided the Leader of the Opposition for not supporting a country who has assisted both red and blue administrations in numerous ways. That sparked an argument across the floor when Barrow began shouting out accusations.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Madam Speaker I find it kind of troubling, amusingly troubling that it seems that we have two opposition on the other side because we have two of the members getting up to support this motion but it troubles me that the leader of the opposition, the official leader of the opposition for now, I don't know for how long, refuses to get up and say they support this motion. I find this incredible, after all Taiwan has done for this country, the gentleman over there is going to sit down quietly and refuse to get up and say they support the good people and government of Taiwan. It is troubling to this country because it seems he just wants to sellout. It seems he just wants to sell us out to the other side, why he doesn't want to get up and talk."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"You want me to talk about the Millions of Dollars that Taiwan gave to your sister? I'm trying to show respect for my colleagues."

Madam Speaker:
"Member there is no point of order."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Go ahead."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"Tell them about FIU."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Go ahead."

Madam Speaker:
"Leader of the Opposition."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"I have the evidence."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Bring the evidence. Madam Speaker the point is, that there are two honorable members of the opposition that have the decency and the honor-."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"They are not members of the UDP."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"To get up and to support this motion."

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