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Is Pan Yaad Belize's Coolest Concert?
Mon, September 16, 2024
And while. The Expo ruled the day, the sound of steel pans and drums filled downtown Belize City on Saturday night, as the crowd of thousands poured onto the grounds of the Government House for the annual Pan Yaad festival. We spoke with the director of the Institute of Creative Arts this morning about how much Pan Yaad has grown over the years. Jomarie Lanza has this story:

It's one of the main highlights of September, a night of clean fun for the family to enjoy the hypnotic and sweet sounds of a steel pan band. It's a crowd puller for sure, and this year's Pan Yaad turn out was almost 2,000 people,

Director of ICA Kim Vasquez reflects on how much the event has grown over the years, moreover how they first started about 15 years ago.

Kim Vasquez, Director of Institute of Creative Arts
"It was an initiative. I believe we have to give credit to former NICH president, Dian Haylock, I believe it was her brainchild to have a Pan Yaad, a festival for steel pans. You know at that time we were seeing like I said the emergence of you steel pan programs we were seeing at that time there Pantempters was still around for a long time one of the oldest steel pans of course. And then we had the all stars as well and there were a couple others. Panerific was really taking off at that time as well as I can recall. And then NICH we had our youth development program at that time, pandemonium that was our original vision for it. And this is where the foundation of course where pan Yaad began. And it grew, started off like I said, just like a jam session there at the house of Culture. The house of Culture was the original location the home of Pan Yaad. At that time, there were no big stages no fancy lights. I can recall the first one many years ago when I was a junior program officer at that time. The pans on the ground and you know it was just a couple of bands and then it started to grow."

And from the House Of Culture, the Pan Yaad has taken to many city venues over the years, from ITVET to Marion Jones, and back to what is now called the Government House. it remains as one of the most anticipated Belizean events of the year. However, this year was much different than others. Vasquez explained why.

Kim Vasquez, Director of Institute of Creative Arts
"What was different this year was that we had the duets where the bands played together."

"The participation like I said has been fantastic. And we recognize again the support and participation that comes in from outside of Belize city. It's not an easy thing. Pan the Sea not a small program, but they come all the way in from Caye Caulker. The support and participation of panerifics and that band has three different sections, Miss and Kech, Panerific seniors and then their juniors. So like I said we had new bands we had the return of grace primary. Now grace primary has been around for a while, their steel pan program goes back some 30 years they were one of the first primary schools to actually have a steel pan program. So you know we were excited to see Grace primary return, we know like i said the scout teners made their debut at pan Yaad And SCA as well. And of course returning we had UB this was their second year returning and so like I'm saying we are really seeing the growth of these steel pan programs across the country."

The Pan Yaad Party surely never disappoints and always leaves the crowd wanting more, with a total of 10 bands participating this year, with a number of combos and crossovers between bands, Vasquez says that the audience was more than pleased by the performance.

Kim Vasquez, Director of Institute of Creative Arts
"We had an excellent turnout, actually we had a slight increase in audience over last year we just finished doing and looking at the figures internally here and we had a slight increase and so yes the support of the public and everything like I said we try to make it a family affair we try to not let it be done too late in the night and try to keep it towards midnight. We know it is a busy time. The expo was happening but we are so pleased at the public continues to be so very supportive. And I think it has to do with Community. I think it has to do with how each of those bands, the parents and the wider community that supports them. But we know as well that people do look forward to coming out to Pan Yaad it's definitely something different. One of the things i think that is the attraction is the diversity of the music that these bands put out when they are preparing. So you know there is a little bit of everything. There is some pop we saw hip-hop and all from pantempters some 190s hip hop we saw some reggae, of course, some Soca music, and all of the different party music as well and I think when that really combines to a really nice party atmosphere that people look forward to."

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