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State Of The Nation, A Political Set Piece
Tue, September 17, 2024
And while the 20 minute speech did deliver political plums, Jomarie Lanza surveyed the scene and found that it was curated for maximum political effect. Here's what she saw:

As the BDF Army band marched towards the platform in full pomp and precision, the steel band yielded to their military cadence.

It was like a political set piece, the small crowd outside the Sir Edney Cain building, the cooing CEO's at the back, ranking ministers up front, and, of course, the dutiful school children in the background - today a prop or backdrop to The Prime Minister's State of the Nation Address.

It's a hybrid of the National Address which would normally be delivered on September 21st with a throwback to the Throne Speech of yesteryear.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Belize can mark this 43rd birthday with confidence and pride."

The state of the Nation Address started under Prime Minister Said Musa:

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Under the Musa Government he used to do this having the state of report to the nation as to where we are but it was stopped obviously with the previous government but knowing that we continue that tradition."

But it has been brought back in Briceno's third year in office- because they are trying to de-politicize the 21st.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"But it was unfortunate what was happening that the leader of the opposition was going and saying some of the most outrageous stuff like you know and it was embarrassing to all of us not only to himself or to his party but to the entire country. I remember many ambassadors they are afraid to say anything but eventually when we would talk on the side they would tell us what's wrong with this person and so to avoid that to avoid that embarrassment with our, especially with our visitors we decided it was best then that we do this today and we consult with him and he is prepared to I guess he will have a press meet or a press briefing with you all supposedly to answer back but at least it's not on Independence Day."

So to keep the true meaning of Independence Day alive, Briceno says this event - and a matching one tomorrow by the Leader of the Opposition - keeps politics off the menu for that day. He says that the country can still expect to hear their speeches on the 21st, but with a little less kick than last year's ceremony.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I've always said Independence Day should be one day and we should set our differences aside. We will always have these differences be it in politics or in relationships or whatever it is the 21st is one day I think we should leave all that aside and come together as Belizeans and be proud and patriotic Belizeans to look and see where we are what we have accomplished in those short 43 years we are still a very, we are still a baby as a nation but it's important for us to take whatever corrective measures that had to be taken where we are going wrong to fix that and that's what we are doing. So back to your question we want to avoid that travesty so on the 21st the leader of the opposition will be given the opportunity to give just a greeting a short message for the 21st and then after that I will do the same so I hope it's going to be something nice and uplifting and a sense of unity within the Belizean people."

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