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PM Repeats: There Will Be No Election In 2024
Tue, September 17, 2024
Expect a very different outlook when the Leader of the Opposition Shyne Barrow presents his State of the Nation response tomorrow morning.

And he may even criticize the Prime Minister for electioneering. But, today PM Briceno rejected that and once again put to rest any possibility that there will be a general election this year:

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"As I have said repeatedly that we were elected for 5 years and we plan to go to go as close as possible to the 5 years but there will be no elections in 2024. That elections will be called in 2025 whenever I believe consultations with different people will take place, when will be the opportune time to have an opportune time to not only win the elections but to believe that we have accomplished a lot not everything we are far from accomplishing. As we what promised as I mentioned plan Belize is not a 5 year manifesto it is a transformative document a living document we will continue tweaking and changing overtime so that will be there for 10-15 years so we want to believe that we have accomplished enough to go to the Belizean people and say listen this is what we have done now judge us on our accomplishments and we hope and we have every confidence the Belizean people are going to support us once again."

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