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Shyne Says Briceno Admin Led To A Failed State
Wed, September 18, 2024
Twenty four hours after the Prime Minister's State of the Nation address, the Leader of the Opposition gave his response. It wasn't as swanky as Briceno's setup - he read his speech from the UDP's HQ, and the content was a culmination of issues he has addressed in his regular press briefings.

The speech tackled health, crime, energy, education, national security, and more. And unlike the usual 21st speeches, there were no direct personal attacks or bombs dropped.

And while there were some exaggerations, Barrow stuck to the issues that he believes has the nation in a failed state. Courtney Menzies was there and has this story.

If you listened to PM John Briceno's State of the Nation address yesterday, you'd have heard good tidings of economic growth, low unemployment rates, and tax relief.

And while the PM's showing included ministers, CEO's, and even schoolchildren, Leader of the Opposition Shyne Barrow's response was spartan by comparison - Barrow stood at a podium, the table to his right empty of his party colleagues.

But Barrow didn't need the fanfare - he wasted no time is refuting Briceno's claims of a prosperous and ascendant Belize:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"After 4 years of the Briceno Administration, ask yourselves, are your lives any better? Can you afford the highest cost of living ever? Are you closer to getting your first affordable home? Did you get your first piece of land? Are you getting affordable quality public healthcare? Can you afford to send your children to school? Do you have food security? Are you living the Belizean dream or the dreaded nightmare?"

"The state of the nation is failing when you fail to collect proper taxes from those making the most, especially those price gouging leeches, business people who exploit the vulnerable while evading tax compliance."

"Do not tell Belizeans about a 3% unemployment rate when the poverty rate is 39%, when 130,000 Belizeans remain unemployed or under employed."

Barrow's address then attacked key sectors - he lamented the dilapidated state of the KHMH, and the shortages of medical equipment that have been reported across all public hospitals in the country. He also chastised the government for not having the foresight to tackle Belize's energy crisis from the start of their term.

And like in most of Barrow's briefings, he did not miss the opportunity to criticize the police department:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Police brutality is on the rise due to a culture of corruption where the Minister and ComPol defend the indefensible and give their favorite carte blanche."

"Our crime rates and the state of our policing system are deeply troubling. Morale within our Department is at an all-time low, hampered by political interference and micromanagement. Ineffective policing has led to the extension of the State of Emergency, a measure that according to John Briceno underscores the failure of the State."

And another failure he pointed out was the lackluster response to the incursions in Belize's water by the Guatemalan Armed Forces.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"This in the context of Briceno just visiting Guatemala taking pictures with the President and coming back with nothing but PR and photo ops because obviously the protocol Sarstoon that they promised in Scam Belize and respect for our territorial integrity was not on the agenda. The once mighty pup who promised to put the Guatemalans in check once elected are now neutered with the Foreign Minister having more disdain for the BTV than the Guatemalans who claim Belize as their own."

And Barrow closed off his analysis of the state of the nation by attempting to hit the Briceno government where it hurts - their reverence for George Price:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Tomorrow we have a wreath laying ceremony for the Right Hon. George Price, father of our Independence who was a champion of Social Justice. Unfortunately this Briceno pup Government is the antithesis of pro poor doctrine of George Price."

"The State of the Nation is worse than it has ever been with a Government led by a Cabinet of hawks who care only about Capitalism and nothing about human capital."

Barrow's entire address lasted 40 minutes - double the time of PM Briceno's.

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