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Briceno Brought Out The Fanfare, Shyne Says He Doesn't Need It
Wed, September 18, 2024
And we had to point out the elephant in the room - while Briceno's showing included ministers, CEO's, PUP fanatics, and students, Barrow stood alone at the podium. But he says that's the norm in the US and that he doesn't require the same level of fanfare.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Well, it is, typical. This is the opposition. He used the government's taxpaying dollars to put on this show. And it is normal for any response of the state of the nation that the opposition gives, to be based on substance, not hype. So I was not interested in putting on a facade and pomp and circumstance. If you look at the United States, where the president gives the state of the Union in the House of Representatives with all of the pomp and circumstance, and then whoever is not in government giv

es a televised response. It's real simple."

Courtney Menzies:
"You call it a facade, But is it a facade to have the support of your party? You keep mentioning that you're not, that you don't stand alone on these decisions that you make. But the chairman isn't here. The executives, other members of your party that you say are working behind the scenes, they aren't here. And you had all these chairs set up."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"No, those chairs always do. That is just the way the office is set up."

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