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Deputy Mayor Says King Tides Will Soon Pass
Wed, September 18, 2024
The King Tides have been plaguing Belize City since Sunday. And after last night's full moon residents were faced with walking through flooded streets again this morning. We asked the Deputy mayor about it and he says the waters will begin to recede soon:

Allan Pollard, Deputy Mayor, Belize City
"As you can see in most of the areas it has gone down so we are very thankful for that but as the experts have indicated to everyone it really is a unique situation where the river is actually coming above normal heights and that mixed with high tide is a recipe for disaster. We cannot of course we had a meeting yesterday with the mayor and we cannot stress enough how much we have to sensitize people to understand that climate change is real it's here and everyone talks about in the future when it comes to climate change but we are actually living in examples of what we are seeing. I have never personally seen the river that high I've never seen streets being that flooded without any rainfall. So it just shows that it is not so much of a drainage issue but just climate change in general. For example someone sent me a video of the area by hanger yesterday and to see the sea level that high as well it just shows overall what we are going through is something that is very alarming and we have to make sure that we are putting the right measures in I mean the pumping station is one effort but that alone cannot drain all the water out of Belize city. And that's a pilot program so we have to look at other areas and we have to ensure that we are keeping up with the maintenance of the city as well to ensure that water drains off as quickly as possible."

Florida forecasts say the King Tides will last until September 23rd - and return in October, November and December.

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