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A Fountain For The Youth
Wed, September 18, 2024
It's goodbye to plastic bottles and water pouches at Wesley College. A ribbon cutting ceremony took place this morning for a Water Fountain that was installed at the school. Jomarie Lanza was there and has this story.

The phase out for single plastics in Belize movement has been on the march for some time now, and here at Wesley College they have joined in to do their part by reducing the number of plastic water bottles and pouches on campus with the help of this fancy contraption.

The water fountain encourages them to bring and use their refillable water bottles here on campus, reducing the need for disposable single-use plastics at this seaside school. They partnered with the Sea Of Life to make this initiative possible.

Paulita Bennet Martín, Co Founder, Sea Of Life
"We met with Wesley, Sea of life did last year we just started conversations about the issues of plastic pollution and seeing how Wesley college is a historic institution of Belize and it soars right of the sea we were really exploring what that looks like any piece of litter that goes astray on Wesley Campus chances are winds up right in the Belizean Ocean So we were having discussions about how we might solve that and together we decided to address single use plastic plastic bottles, and water pouches."

The drinking fountain uses a reverse osmosis system which filters the water from the taps all over again, ultimately Ultra purifying the water and making it drinkable. Students will pay a one time $35 fee for the year and will have access to clean drinking water anytime during school hours

Paulita Bennet Martín, Co Founder, Sea Of Life
"So Sea of Life had entered an agreement with the school for a minimum of two years and an option to continue and what we bring to the table in addition to helping to secure funds to get the systems installed in the school campuses as we also create educational materials and assets for the classroom because the only way to change is with consistency and investing in people if we want to see change, we have to work together to create that change."

"Just like we draw our water from rivers and from surface waters under the earth. We actually are filtering that same water that commercial water suppliers are filtering and we send it through a triple filtration system so reverse osmosis, wind up, pumping out the cleanest water possible on the planet and so it's basically while it is not coming from a company package, single plastic like jugs or pouches it's the same quality of water."

Head of the Science Department says that they have also spent a great deal of time sensitizing the students on how the drinking fountain works, and why it is not only beneficial to them but also to the environment

Tyrone Harris, HOD, Science, Wesley College
"So as it relates to the upkeep of the water system, we have entered into a memorandum of understanding where we have a contract with the installer, which is pure filter where they come in and maintain the bottling system by removing the membrane or changing the filters so that helps with the upkeep of the installation of this water bottling system. We have cameras installed to ensure that no one campers with the system and also the brand or the installation is very very sturdy and so we would feel or we know that it will last for a number of years."

"We have also done an education campaign, whereas we sensitize the students of the causes of plastics and pollutions or the problems that plastics may cause, and what is it that we can do to resolve this issue installing this water bottling system we are now using the reuse and refill of water bottles so it reduces the amount of plastics that is being placed particularly the water pouches that are placed on the compound. So that is what we did, we desensitized the students and educated them in that manner."

Inspired by this initiative the students also took to painting a mural beside the fountain, in an attempt to encourage their peers to make use of the resources and be mindful of the harm and damage single plastics can cause.

Jahfari Diaz, 4th Form, Wesley College
"Well we come up with the idea which was a collaboration with Sea of Life with the ocean life and thing so we just came up with the idea of doing the sea because that is just an inspiration for us to like clean up the school yard so if any plastic bottles or pouches going into the sea, it affects the sea life and any animals or anything could eat the plastic and it could harm the sea life."

"I feel good about it because we are the only school that has this water system and we want other schools to take up after our footsteps as the leader that started this water fountain station so other schools could like have lesser pollution in the environment and school compound and maybe the community will be less dirty and thing."

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