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Speaker Explains Balance Of Power On Opposition Bench
Wed, September 18, 2024
Here's how the speaker explained the opposition arrangement when she appeared on Sunup on Monday. She said, it cannot be about parties - it about the area they were voted to represent:

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"But every single individual duly elected has those rights it's not restricted to a party of persons or a group of persons and so as long as we can abide by the rules that is what I look for. If you notice the speaker will never, the speaker refers to a member for, a member for Freetown a member for Corozal north. Never refers to from where or which political party the person is from and never refers to the name of the person. And there is a reason for that if you go through the standing orders and even if you go through the constitution it doesn't refer to naming of the political party so once you are elected duly elected to the House of Representatives you are a member for the area you are elected for and your rights and your privileges are not truncated or diminished because of any internal issue you may be having from the party that you affiliate yourself with and that like I've said before it is not the role of the speaker to get into that."

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