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Pioneering Broadcast Engineer Has Freak Fall To His Death
Mon, September 23, 2024
And the next death was also an accident, but not a road traffic one.

Paul Evans was well known to the media, died tragically over the weekend when he fell from his verandah.

I went to Ladyville today to speak with the older sister of Paul Evans and spoke to his sister:

Broadcast engineer 59 year old Paul Evans died in a freak accident on Saturday morning at his home here in Ladyville.

At 6:30, neighbors found him in a terrible state:

Majorie Evans Myers, Sister of deceased
"Yes I was in bed sleeping because he is just a block away from me. The neighbors sent a little boy here to call for us and my husband came in and said hey someone is out there looking for you so I said what is it? So he said something happened to Paul so we need to go around there. So I got up immediately and went over there to find out what happened."

What had happened was almost indescribable. Evan apparently fell and ended up impaled atop an 8 inch rod of rebar that was sticking out at the top of the stairs. And as a result of his injuries he was unable to move.

The family thinks that Evan may have missed a step while coming down from his house and tripped and fell right onto the steel rod. His sister says that he had lived alone for years.

Majorie Evans Myers, Sister of deceased
"Well I heard he was out with a friend until late that night so I figured he went up the stairs and lost his balance and he fell. It's just so sad that the piece of steel was stuck out and that hit him and he couldn't get away from it so. There was nobody around I guess it was late in the night he probably got hurt and couldn't holler for anybody or ask for assistance so he just stayed there and died which is very sad. I wish I could have helped but we didn't know anything. We don't live next door so."

"Was he living alone?"

Majorie Evans Myers, Sister of deceased
"Yes he lived alone. Never had any wife or kids so he lived by himself."

At this time, police do not suspect foul play:

ACP Hilberto Romero, OC Eastern Division
"Information is that he had been drinking and when police visited the area they saw him with a piece of steel in his abdomen. Police are investigating the circumstances as to what transpired. This piece of steel is attached to the ground so it appears that he fell on that piece of steel."

"Is this any cause for foul play or suspected?"

ACP Hilberto Romero, OC Eastern Division
"Not at this time but an investigation is being carried out."

"Was he drinking with others."

ACP Hilberto Romero, OC Eastern Division
"Yes he was drinking with others yes we have reports he was drinking with other persons before he went home."

Paul Evans was one of Belize's only trained broadcast engineers and had worked at the BCB in the 80's and Channel 5 and LOVE FM in the 90's and 2000's where he was instrumental in setting up broadcast operations:

Majorie Evans Myers, Sister of deceased
"My brother was very talented he was smart he was a technician. In fact he brought television for Love FM I think he is the first one that let them start doing television on Love FM that's what I understand. But he went to England and Scotland to study. He was really really smart but he was a quiet person. He wasn't a person that would go around. He had a lot of friends but just men friends and other friends he would hang out with."

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