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Patt Points To Potholes On Recently Opened Remate
Mon, September 23, 2024
A little over two weeks ago, the area rep for Corozal North stood up in the House voicing his concerns about the state of the newly renovated Remate Road. When we asked the Minister of Infrastructure Development, he bristled, stating that Patt has brought up the issue countless times but has yet to provide any proof that something is wrong with the road. Today, we spoke with Patt via Zoom, and he said that there are several areas where potholes can be seen only months after it was inaugurated.

Hugo Patt, Area Rep., Corozal North
"As a matter of fact, I mean, it is not Hugo Patt that has to bring in evidence. I think a number of people have brought up this issue, particularly in the areas that we have seen that there are part who was just just for a matter of fact, this Remate road and inclusive of the Phillip Goldson highway that was inaugurated sometime in May, if I'm not mistaken, so that we're speaking about three to four months now after this road has been inaugurated, after having spent so many millions that you will now have to go back to start to patch this newly ruled. That's why when this issue was brought up in the house of representatives, I mentioned that look, this road has been built recently from scratch and a couple of months afterwards, we have to start with patching."

"Remember that all of this was done under the auspices of having, um, climate resilient roads. And so the question always what has gone wrong and who will have to pay for all of the repairs now that we have to do."

"For the Remate road we have two areas. One is in Yo Chen village. And there is another stretch in between Patchakan and Yo Chen. I also mentioned in the house as well, that we have areas in right in front of Escuela Secundalia Technical Mexico that is in San Roman. We have the areas affected as well in San Joaquin. And we have quite a number of areas affected. Uh, um, I would say about two or three miles leading into the, into the border, which was recent recently paved as well."

"The funding was there then came there. Then came general elections. We lost and we saw how, uh, the cuts started to happen precisely on those particular projects. I knew for a fact, and I am no civil engineer, but from the time that you see that kind of money being cut from projects, you know, that something will go wrong down the road."

"We did not expect for the, for the actual potholes to be seen a couple of months after it has been inaugurated. But, you know, it's not surprising that after the road has been completed a very short while you will now start to see the kind of damages that the road has now experienced."

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