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Role Reversal For Aaron Flowers -The Accuser Now The Accused
Tue, September 24, 2024
29-year-old Aaron Flowers was vindicated in court earlier this month after the cop who beat him in a cell, Inspector Christopher Martinez pleaded guilty to wounding and was sentenced to five months in jail. But in a strange turn of events, Flowers is now in court for the very same crime.

He is accused of assaulting a Salvadoran food vendor on Faber's Road. She claims he began harassing her customers on Sunday, so she asked him to leave. He then allegedly threatened her and threw condiment bottles at her, causing injuries to her side and face.

Flowers appeared unrepresented in court and was read two charges of aggravated assault and wounding. He pleaded not guilty and told the court that he was actually the one who was being assaulted. He explained his side of the story to court reporter Anita Nembhard.

Aaron Flowers, Charged With Wounding
"You know what happened, the lady chased me with a knife and when I ran to the police for rescue, what happened? The police spin the whole case on me, right now I'm going to report the police to prosecution branch. That's all I have to say. You ever witness somebody running to the police for help and when someone run to the police for help, the police don't help them, the police turned around and helped the accused, that's what caught me."

Flowers then told the court that he was injured during the incident but did not get to seek medical attention because the officer at the station refused to take his report.

Flowers was offered bail of $1,500 plus one surety of the same amount. He will be back in court on November 22nd.

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