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Defence Attorneys Says ComPol Is Close To Contempt
Thu, September 26, 2024
And while those gun licenses appeared to be issued under Commissioner Chester Williams’ watch, tonight he may watch how he speaks about the Chief Magistrate. That’s after a press release from the Association of Defense Attorneys scolded him for making statements that were, quote, “unbecoming and disrespectful of the magistrate courts"...

And while those gun licenses appeared to be issued under Commissioner Chester Williams' watch, tonight he may watch how he speaks about the Chief Magistrate. That's after a press release from the Association of Defense Attorneys scolded him for making statements that were, quote, "unbecoming and disrespectful of the magistrate courts."

The release says that, quote, "It is highly improper for the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of our country to cast aspersion on the competence and integrity of a sitting magistrate especially, because of personal interest in the outcome of a court case." End quote.

The statements they are referring to were made in recent interviews, one in which the ComPol stated that he believed the sentence handed down on Inspector Christopher Martinez was excessive, and another where he said the fine levied on Jevon Mckay for pushing him was not harsh enough.

The association says that these interviews can be interpreted as an attack on the decision of a sitting magistrate, and that as a public officer and the head of a government department, it is, quote, "not open to him to make any adverse pronouncement against the integrity of the Courts." End quote.

The release ends by saying that these statements border on contempt and that he must cease and desist from making them.

We won't hold our breaths for an apology from the Compol.

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