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Social Partners Unite To Make FOIA Request And Foreshadow Senate Action?
Thu, September 26, 2024
Last night we told you about the Freedom of Information Requests which the social partners sent to the Ministers of Health and Natural Resources. Today, the Labour Senator told the press that the partners collective action to make the request may be a preview of things to come in the Senate...

Last night we told you about the Freedom of Information Requests which the social partners sent to the Ministers of Health and Natural Resources.

Today, the Labour Senator told the press that the partners collective action to make the request may be a preview of things to come in the Senate:

Glenfield Dennison, Senator
"And so we thought it necessary to join forces to make the request, because other than that there is strength in numbers, we represent social partners in the Senate and the oversight mechanisms that are existing in the Senate may or may not be triggered, depending on the management of the issue from the government side."

"We think that this is an issue that needs ventilation, that needs clarification, from, not just a common sense approach, but from the questions being raised by taxpayers about the appropriateness of the hospital land, one, but more importantly, in my mind, of the value that was paid for the purchase of this of this land and the the exploration or lack thereof of other options."

"So we think that's a question that really should not die down. We think that it's a question that should be that should be answered by the government. And in relation to this, transparency really is key. And we we are trying to demand it from the government."

Jules Vasquez:
"Well, the the government has said that the matter is settled. The money has been paid, the transaction has been completed. Plans are all set."

Glenfield Dennison, Senator
"I think that, that's a lot to to digest, Jules. And I think it comes out of a place of repeatedly being beaten down by political will. And I find that there's still a little bit of hope in that we can make the government see that this sort of behavior will not be countenanced, should not be countenance and needs to be addressed."

"In terms of trying to illuminate, or untangle the mystery of this transaction - and the government will say there is no mystery - but a critical third part is, who was it bought from? And it cannot be known - because there's no requirement for disclosure - how much Mr. Zheng has contributed to political campaigns for the PUP, or the UDP, as the case may be. So are you all in your search, inevitably. Will you all encounter a block? Because the mystery of the influence that Mr. Zheng has over players in the PUP can never be fully known."

"There is a process. The social partners are looking. We're seeing these things, even if it's a name and shame, is the best that we obtain. I think it would be cause for reflection the next time around."

"And so that's mainly why it's important that we have, that we have the social partners make the requests. It's a foreshadowing in my mind. I don't know if it would be seen, by those who are reading it, but it is a foreshadowing of things that could come later on."

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