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Feinstein Group Wades Into Exchange Between GOB and BNTU
Fri, September 27, 2024
We've been reporting on the exchange of letters between the NTUCB and the Prime Minister's office over the acquisition of 23 acres on Stake bank Island. Well, no one asked them, but the Feinstein Group - whose land is being acquired - has entered the conversion with a lengthy letter.

It is addressed to the NTUCB Executive Council and is a reply to the Prime Minister's letter to the union - which didn't say much.

The Feinstein group says that letter "attempts to mislead the public, and ultimately fails to address the core issues of transparency and accountability." The Feinstein Group says, quote, "The Prime Minister's vague language about "national interest" conceals what is, in reality, an attempt to strip a Belizean developer of his rightful property to benefit foreign interests."

They allege that it was an orchestrated "land grab" and for proof of that point to, quote, "discovery of emails from (an agent acting on behalf of OPSA), which show that the intent to sell Stake Bank to MSC was initiated prior to the receivership."

The Feinstein Group closes by calling on the NTUCB, quote, "We ask you to stand with us in calling for full transparency, an end to the compulsory acquisition, and the removal of OPSA's involvement in the Stake Bank project. Let us work together to protect Belize's national assets, its labor force, and ensure that the government is acting in the true interest of its people." End quote.

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