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PUP's New Blood For Collet
Fri, September 27, 2024
Collet - it's a UDP stronghold and the area representative, Patrick Faber, has held the reins for the past five terms. But his status in the UDP is currently unstable, and while the party hasn't announced a new candidate, the PUP yesterday endorsed theirs. 29-year-old Devin Daly - a former City Council employee and newcomer to politics - has stepped up to the plate against a veteran in a UDP safe seat.

Daly is known in the athletic world as a basketball star, and in the Collet constituency as someone who was born and raised there. But can he convince his fellow constituents to vote for him in a few months? We asked him today.

Devin Daly, PUP Standard Bearer, Collet
"Usually when you have water and you put fire underneath it, it boils right over so he's [Patrick Faber] has been here for a long time and the people supported him for a long time but complacency can be a very deadly thing and I think the people are showing that they're tired and they don't feel the representation. They feel that there is a lack of political will and no lobbying being done by their area rep."

Courtney Menzies:
"But the fact remains that you if you do walk around Collet, you see Faber signs in people's yards, they love this man, regardless of what he's done in the past five terms, they love him, he win by large majorities. How good do you think your chances are in the upcoming general elections?"

Devin Daly, PUP Standard Bearer, Collet
"Well one of my strategies coming into this is controlling what I can control. Some of the banners and some of the flags that are up were probably up from six years ago and we're not necessarily worrying about his camp, we're worrying about us and we're worrying about what we can deliver to the people and I believe that the representation that I can bring and that my team can bring will definitely give us a fair chance at an upset."

"Are you prepared to be a sacrificial lamb though because others who have come into this area the last five years have been so."

Devin Daly, PUP Standard Bearer, Collet
"For me, I'm committed to representing Collet for the medium long term. In the past, you've had persons who have come in and closed the gap but after that just get exhausted and maybe move on to different opportunities but I've committed myself to not just this term, till after that too."

"This is my first dance into politics and so I will not give this mighty speech that I know it all but I'm relying on senior party men and also the community members to lead me. We have an existing executive who have been working very hard and they are the ones along with my campaign team who are basically telling us what's the best way forward."

"So what is the change that you propose to bring?"

Devin Daly, PUP Standard Bearer, Collet
"Cater to young people, cater to the old people but most of all, yesterday in my endorsement, I produced my manifesto and the manifesto was a blank piece of paper that just had Collet on it, so the change that I'm bringing is the change that the people need and we are committed to walking the streets, meeting every household and ensuring that we fulfill our manifesto based on their needs and wants."

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