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Teaching Seniors Digital Skills
Fri, September 27, 2024
Digital literacy is more than learning how to use a smartphone or computer; it's about unlocking the world of opportunities by staying connected and accessing information. Ensuring that this is available to not only teens and adults but also senior citizens is what pushed the Ministry of E Governance to launch their "Senior Digital Skills Training Program" in partnership with UB. And with the help of 150 digital buddies or teachers so far 200 seniors have been trained on how to operate and make use of new technologies and online services. Here are the highlights from the launch.

Dr Vincent Palacio, UB President
"I am happy to welcome you to the launch of this digital body trading program at the University of Belize. This is in partnership with UNDP, the ministry of public utilities, energy, logistics, and E. governance council of aging. Today is a good day for the national University as we moved towards a more innovative and student centered initiative. Student centered institution journey driven by our rise 2027 strategic plan which focuses on relevance, innovation sustainability and excellence. This program exemplifies those values in action."

Michel Chebat, Minister of E Governance
"The senior digital skills training program, which is guided by Belize's first of its kind national digital agenda 2022-2025 six to empower, and ensure that our vulnerable population groups are given the same opportunities for advancement in our rapidly evolving digital society. As the government through our ministry continues to trail blaze, new E legislation enactments the development of online services which will improve existing paper based government services, and ensure that the population has access to free computer centers and Internet throughout our nationwide network of digital connect centers. We also realize the need for digital skills delivery. Digital centers will remain. The new laws would not be optimally utilized, and the newer online services would be impactful unless those in the community are also empowered with vital digital skills to properly utilize the above mentioned facilities."

Ix-chel Poot, Executive Director NCA
"Presently in Belize for every 100 Belizeans we have about eight older people. in 2050 it's going to be 18 older people for every one hundred or almost every 1 in 5. When the Covid 19 pandemic hit, it brought into sharp focus, be many vulnerabilities and inequalities faced by older persons across the world and the risk they face being left behind in any technological age. In today's digital world, it has become an integral part of our lives to stay connected. Staying connected with loved ones is accessing essential services. Digital skills is not a luxury anymore but a necessity yet everyone does not have equal access to these opportunities. The gap between those who have access to digital technology and those who do not use a pressing issue that affects us as individuals, communities and as a country. In 2021 the national council held its first round of virtual training in digital literacy in collaboration with. CITO and it brought into focus for us very important points for us. One that older persons are capable of adopting and learning once they are given the opportunity and the space to do so. 2 that the challenges faced when becoming a digital native does not change with age. Our older participants were interested in exiting WhatsApp groups and blocking people on Facebook and knowing how to get out of email trains so those were challenges that older people were facing."

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