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Compol Says Cops Had All Right To Go Into Abdullah’s Home
Tue, October 15, 2024
But the commissioner justifies the incident. He said he was the one who instructed the police to hop the fence and enter the home. And he is now accusing the mother daughter duo of deleting the footage. Here's what he said today.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"The matter on Reggae Street is a tough one for us and the police did not break into anybody's house as you have alluded to."

Jules Vasquez:
"I saw them on the video."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I will explain to you. Our investigation team was in the area canvassing looking for evidence. There was a house in the area that has surveillance cameras. The police went there and they refuse to cooperate with the investigators in terms of getting the surveillance footage. I was contacted and I told the police, get a search warrant under the indictable procedures act which states that the police can go and search and confiscate any evidence that can be used in a criminal investigation. So, on the strength of a search warrant, the police went to the house. The police were there, with the search warrant to execute the search for the evidence that we needed. And they refused to let the police in. I told the police again, jump the fence and go in. The police did so, and they were able to retrieve a SIM card that had the recording. But they had deleted the recording from the SIM card. So we are applying to the court today, to get a court order to search the SIM card. We do have the equipment to be able to retrieve the whatever was was deleted from the SIM card. We have the equipment to retrieve whatever deleted, but we want to make sure that we do everything in accordance with the law."

Jules Vasquez:
"Now you realize that persons with security video, Mr. Faber said it himself, sometimes feel that, the security video could implicate them in their community as a snitch."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"It's not a matter that, like I said, in the Faber incident, I said, had I known, I would have told the police to deal with him the same way I instructed them to delete this one. We cannot be here saying that crime is out of control, the police is not doing their job. And when the police want to do their job, we impede the police from doing their job. No, we can't do that."

The commissioner says he does not at all believe the family's right to privacy was violated.

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