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Did Cartel Kidnap Father and Son?
Tue, October 15, 2024
In our top segment we discussed the cartel and asked the commissioner whether they were involved in the murder of Edwin Marin.

Well, we also asked if they were involved in the kidnapping of a father and son from northern Belize who were kidnapped in Subteniente LopEz last week. Here's what he said:

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"That kidnapping did have to do with the cartels in Chetumal, and we are happy that the outcome is what the family and the entire Belizean society had hoped for, that these two individuals were returned home alive."

"I can say with certainty that the family, the father and son who were kidnapped from our records, they are not persons of questionable character, they seem to be outstanding people, and so that had puzzled us as well in terms of why would they have been kidnapped, but nonetheless we're happy that they have been returned home alive and well to their families, and again Belizeans going over to the Mexican side is something that we have to look at and decide on our own if it is that we want to go or not.

"The cartel issues in in the Chetumal area is certainly intensifying. Our northern operations have been very very effective in keeping the cartels and their operatives at bay. It is not to say that our efforts cannot be infiltrated, but I can say to you and the Belizean people that it is going to take a lot for that to happen."

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