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A Shocker At the Senate: Min of State, Cab Sec Walk Out on Social Partner Questions
Wed, October 16, 2024
It's been 4 months since the Senate Special Select Committee to investigate the genesis of the Portico Agreement successfully held a public hearing.

The 7th hearing was held today and it should have been must-see TV with the Cabinet Secretary and the Minister of State for Finance and Economic Development on the lineup. The two of them are critical because Coye is the Minister of State who is credited with taking the Portico Definitive Agreement into the Cabinet on May 15, 2023, along with a tacit endorsement to support accompanying legislation. And as Cab Sec, Leslie is the one who would have received the Cabinet paper. And, they did appear, but not to answer questions. Jules Vasquez reports on a performance that left the social partner senators slack jawed:

Cabinet Secretary Stuart Leslie appeared with his attorney and cabinet colleague, Senator Eamon Courtenay today - and made it clear from the jump that even as the keeper of Cabinet minutes - he's got nothing to share.

Stuart Leslie, Cabinet Secretary
"I am here at your invitation as the Cabinet Secretary, not in my personal capacity. As this committee is aware documents and deliberations of the cabinet are strictly confidential and exempt from disclosure. As Cabinet Secretary I took an oath to uphold the laws and the constitution of Belize and I intend to be faithful to that oath."

"I have been advised that I am not a liberty to disclose any cabinet documents or deliberations to this committee or otherwise. Respectfully, I am therefore not in a position to assist this committee with any evidence."

That means he can't discuss this Cabinet confidential document - which has been out in the public domain for 17 months.

But, unfazed by that opening statement, the business Senator opened with his questions:

"Hi, good morning Cabinet Secretary, thanks for coming. I just have a few questions that perhaps you could help me understand...."

Eamon Courtenay, Attorney
"Madam Chairman, I am sorry to interrupt Senator, but I have advised...."

Janelle Chanona, Chairlady
"Sorry, again, morning Senator Courtenay, I know you are here as an attorney. But again, as per protocol established by the SSC, only the witness is to convey. So you can indicate that legal advice is advising you not to respond, but we would like to pose the questions for you."

Stuart Leslie, Cabinet Secretary
"Sorry, I will not answer any questions."

Janelle Chanona, Chairlady
"Thank you."

"Cab. Sec. I note that you have said that you would not answer questions that are confidential. Could you assist us with questions of procedure?"

He was talking to an empty chair. The Cabinet Secretary had walked out, leaving the social partner sector senators hanging.

Janelle Chanona, Chairlady
"Colleagues can we take a brief suspension and we will have the second witness."

The second witness was Senator Chris Coye, Minister of State for Finance - and the one who took the Portico Definitive Agreement into Cabinet. He too opened with a statement, a more in depth one - but he made cutting remarks and pointed a finger at his Senatorial colleagues:

Chris Coye, Senator, Minister of State for Finance
"As I revisit my experience over the past couple years on this matter, it is unfortunate what has transpired."

"Since change of government, it became reasonably clear to me that there was serious investment interest from such parties as Boskalis and Royal Caribbean, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars."

"With the barrage of propaganda on this project, and even this inquiry, it is unclear where that level of interest now stands. From a development perspective, as it relates to this project, Belize has lost."

"While Belize has lost, there have been beneficiaries. Those who sold lands to the Portico entity enjoy the proceeds of sale. Then, there are certain foreign-funded NGOs who in fact raise money on the backs of their purported achievements for conservation, while at the same time halting development opportunities to the detriment of our people."

"The scuttling of such a project of this nature could very well be seen as a victory for those certain special interests. There is no doubt that the Senate or any committee of the Senate has the powers to conduct inquiries and investigations on any matter of public interests or importance."

"At the same time, just as with any other authority that enjoys powers and discretions, those powers of the Senate can be abused. The Senate and any committee thereof must be resolutely sure not to abuse their powers or be manipulated into abusing their powers to serve third -party special interests, including foreign interests."

And with that - he didn't even wait for them to ask questions:

Chris Coye, Senator, Minister of State for Finance
"I will be excusing myself. That's the extent of the statement I have to give today and the evidence that is being provided to this committee."

"Minister, the people of Belize would like to ask you a few questions. The National Trade Union Congress of Belize is especially want to ask you a question, sir. Sir, the salaries you received from the people...."

His question fell to the floor as the senators and law partners walked out of the Chamber, the chair left again with little more than breeze:

Janelle Chanona, Chairlady
"Colleagues I submit that we suspend our public hearing and adjourned to the committee room."

"The public hearing is suspended until we resume in the committee room."

And on that dejected note, they retreated to their chambers and later put out a press release - basically begging them to reconsider. It says, quote,

"The Committee was surprised at the witnesses' failure to participate in the Public Hearing. The SSSC is also disappointed with the suggestion made by the Hon. Coye in his opening statement, which attempts to cast aspersions on the work of the Committee; that is unacceptable.

The Committee hereby reaches out to Cabinet Secretary Stuart Leslie and Senator the Hon. Christopher Coye to reconsider their decision and meaningfully support the work of the SSSC in this important matter of public interest."

The UDP issued a press release this evening denouncing the actions of…Coye, and Cabinet Secretary…Leslie and Senator Eamon Courtenay for their, quote, "cavalier appearance before the Senate Special Select Committee this morning."

The release continues, "The public display of disrespect towards the committee by the bumptious and pompous three aristocrats encapsulates this PUP administration's attitude towards our democratic ideals of accountability and transparency." End quote.

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