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On Walkout, What Would Francis Do?
Wed, October 16, 2024
Certainly, the walkout was unprecedented and left this newsroom stunned. We asked the Minister of Education and Foreign Affairs if he would have done the same. Here's what he said:

Jules Vasquez
"I know you are a defender of democracy and you have been answerable to a fault, one might say. Do you support this?"

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education and Foreign Affairs
"Well, I didn't see anything that you're talking about today. So the first time I'm hearing about it, I've been busy all day today."

"You know, obviously with these hearings, I'm sure they were given legal advice."

Jules Vasquez
"They appeared with their attorney."

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education and Foreign Affairs
"Okay, they did. So, you know, I am in no position to second guess what legal advice was given to them."

"Always with these, you know, hearings, inquiries, you know, I always support more information, providing as much information and data and, you know, whatever is asked of us, I'm always in support of that."

"And I know that's the sentiment of the cabinet in terms of this particular hearing and inquiry. But obviously, individuals have to be guided by their own legal advice."

Jules Vasquez
"But if it were you? I can't see you walking out on senators. You know, it's not UDP senators. It's senators for the social partners, throwing questions. You would never walk out on that."

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education and Foreign Affairs
"Well, again, I did not see anything. I did not, you're characterizing it as walking out. I don't know if that's the case. I'm sure they provided statements."

Jules Vasquez
"They did, but refused to take questions."

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education and Foreign Affairs
"Okay. Again, as I said, they're obviously acting on advice of counsel."

We expect that statements of condemnation will be following from the social partners.

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