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New Miss Earth Leaves For International Competition, Is It Her Destiny To Win?
Fri, October 18, 2024
Will she bring back the Miss Earth Crown to Belize? Miss Earth Belize, Morgan Miles departed today for the international pageant set to be held in the Philippines next month. It will be her official debut as a first time beauty queen onto the international stage, and today Jomarie Lanza met her at the airport to talk about her journey as Miss Earth Belize.

Miss Earth Belize, 23 year old Morgan Miles officially commenced her journey today en route to the international pageant stage set to be held in the Philippines this year. We caught up with her this morning at the Phillip Goldson airport.

Morgan Miles, Miss Earth Belize
"I am super excited and I am ready to meet the other girls and to immerse myself into the Filipino culture and just take in the whole experience."

"My preparation was very intense. There was a lot of training with different coaches, there was a lot of mental preparation and I only hope that I can bring back the crown but definitely I am open to anything that may happen, anything that I may be faced with I have mentally and physically prepared for."

The young sustainable farmer told us that she took a leap of faith into the pageant industry hoping to not only make meaningful connections but also use her platform to advocate for sustainable fishing practices.

Morgan Miles, Miss Earth Belize
"So this is my first pageant I have decided to throw myself into one of the biggest pageants in the world I knew as a little girl that I always wanted to do a pageant but I wasn't quite sure which one it was going to be but when I started reading into the Miss Earth Values and Morals and goals that they had it was the pageant that definitely aligned more with my life."

"So by profession I am a pasture farmer a sustainable farmer I should say and I provide packaged clean whole chicken to different health foods, restaurants and hotels around Belize so I am able to bring sustainability and conservation to the platform where i actually live it I can speak it and educate the public about it more."

"I am definitely looking forward to sharing my advocacy. One of the questions that they ask you or one of the more frequent questions is what is your advocacy, what do you stand for? And the more I get to share sustainable farming and conservation in Belize especially in the flats fishing industry I think can only benefit the country more and benefit the world just by making everyone knowledgeable about the different topics."

Approximately 79 different countries will be participating in this year's Miss Earth pageant which will take place on November 9th in Manila.

Morgan has a lot to live up because Punta Gorda's Destiny Wagner was crowned Miss Earth 2021 making her the first Belizean to win the Miss Earth title and the first to win one of the Big Four international beauty pageants.

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