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Tracy Calls Out Hugo For Not Joining AFD
Tue, October 22, 2024
So, while Barrow says he's still the leader of the UDP and the delegates that appeared on Sunday are illegitimate, Panton says he's delusional.

But can Panton really lead with the skeletons in Faber and Saldivar's closets weighing down the UDP? She said that they helped launch the movement, but they're not part of the leadership team.

However, Hugo Patt remains as first deputy on her executive, or at least the slot is open for him - but Panton called him out for what she called his inaction this morning on Sunup on 7. Here is a snippet of her segment.

Tracy Panton, Interim Leader, UDP Alliance for Democracy
"Delusional, absolutely delusional. How do you say no to 347 delegates who came at their free will, they were not incentivized. In fact, the former party leader who keeps saying these people are not legitimate have been going to down, campaigning, going to their villages and saying please don't do this to me. So if these people are so illegitimate why would he concern himself with visiting them, trying to incentivize them to stay away from the UDP convention."

"The work of this movement had the involvement of six strong men and a phenomenal woman, the second deputy leader, Beverly Williams. The people spoke to us, and I keep saying this loudly and clearly, they spoke to us in the last general elections. They spoke to us in the village council elections. They spoke to us in the municipal elections. They spoke to us in the bi-elections in Toledo East. They want a reset, they want a fresh start for the party, they want new leadership within the party. And while we must rely on the institutional memory and the experience that many of my colleagues bring to the table, our convention attempted to bring new leaders to the forefront."

"We have a first deputy and a second deputy leader that were endorsed by the delegates in August and there's no need to rescind them although I cannot understand why the first deputy leader will not act in the interest of this country and act in the interest of this party, while boggles my mind, he's the first deputy and we continue to call him relentlessly, it's a signature that will set a new trajectory for the party and he refuses to act even in his own best interest so I can't explain that."

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