Switching gears now...
Here in Belize City, shoppers went crazy on Saturday to score big savings on the GST Waiver day. Some stores were filled to the gills, while others….not so much. Our Clifford Mejia and Brian Castillo joined the throng of shoppers and here's what they saw:
Shopping carts were in high demand on Saturday as shoppers thronged to supermarkets and department stores to capitalize on the GST free sales.
Those who did get shopping carts made sure they were full to capacity. Trunks and handlebars carried all they could at Publics.
And this shopper wasn't shy about the political dimension:
"Ms Di", Public's Shopper
"Very, Very good, everything no GST you know after all these years. Thanks to my PUP government, we are free with it for today."
"The no GST make a big difference?"
"Ms Di", Public's Shopper
"Yes, because see how I am loaded."
Inside Public's on the northside, the aisles were congested and the carts overflowing - like folks were stocking up for a year:
Paul Lopez, Publics Shopper
"Bwai the energy crazy, I feel like if we will continue having these GST exemptions then we need to have bigger supermarkets in Belize, because in Public's it was so pack, I just got out."
"I reach here bout 9am and right now it's after 10, bout 10:30. So about an hour and a half and that's because I spent about 45 minutes through the isles just to try and navigate it and I spent another 40 minutes in the line just to get out my stuff. But everyone is excited. I feel like people are buying more than they usually buy, because the more you buy the higher your discount really and so I like the energy inside right now."
Lopez came with his usual list - but says the savings were substantial:
Paul Lopez, Publics Shopper
"What type of discount it really would add up to? somewhere around $20-$30 and actually add some stuff to the grocery list, because when I was in there, I realize I needed some other stuff and so I got more stuff and plus I see a discount on it. So, I can't complain. I feel like I got a really good deal today."
And that's what we saw when shoppers showed us their receipts - big discounts and big purchases - with that satisfying "ZERO TAX" on the bottom line.
Stores also tried to attract shoppers with discounts added onto the GST saving - like here at V-Mart.
But nowhere pulled as big a crowd as Mirab where the line started just to get into the parking lot.
And inside, it was a zoo - with shoppers at every turn and the line at the cashier.
From what we saw activity wasn't quite as hectic at Brodies, or 88 Shopping Center, or Twins Or Simon Quan - at least not while we were out.
But everywhere we went, we encountered long lines at the checkout - as cashiers had to calculate the discount- and these businesses simply weren't set up to deal with the crowds.
But, while some shopped for toys, and others shopped for hams and turkeys, while some shopped for bigger items, on this Saturday, for sure shoppers spent their money at home.