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Road Rage With No Consequence, Man Says 71 Year Old Pointed A Gun At Him
Tue, January 14, 2025
A driver says a senior citizen pulled a gun on him in an act of road rage. That was over a week ago, and tonight he's asking why the older man hasn't been charged.

It happened last week Monday afternoon on the Hummingbird Highway near the Pomona police station.

43 year old Brian Requena says the driver in a Dodge Ram Pickup wouldn't let him overtake and then when he did - it ended in a confrontation with the other driver allegedly pulling a gun on him and his passenger.

He immediately reported it to police - and they did detain the 71 year old man - but, still, no charges have been brought for what is a remandable offence. And tonight he is asking why. He starts by detailing the incident:

Brian Requena, Says Driver Pulled Gun On Him
"When I tried to overtake him, he swerve into my lane. So I want to know what happened. Upon reaching agriculture station, I see him slow down, slow, slow down. So when I made him go a little bit more, upon reaching the speed bump, I say I will overtake him because he is going slow."

"So as I try to overtake the man, put on my indicator to overtake, he swerve his vehicle right into me. So what I do, I stop. I exit my vehicle, went to the front of my vehicle, and ask the person, what is the problem?"

"So I say what do you want, sir? problem you want, or what? So when I see the man shuffle up, I already see something black. So when I see he shuffle and point the firearm where he was sitting on his driver's side."

"He point the gun for me, then I turn the gun into my partner in the vehicle, because the vehicle swerve into my one. So it's not hard to point gun at two of us. So I take down his license plate, 15401 is the license plate. I can still recall in my head. And I call Corporal Garcia, and I tell Corporal Garcia that a Chinese man, a Chinese, Asian looking man pull a firearm, and point it at two of us."

"So I went to the Dangriga police station to make that report around 3:30 or so, a quarter to four. So 15 minutes after the police they move swiftly, detained the man, bring in the vehicle, the firearm, and him."

"So I gave my statement, I signed for my statement, and they told me that tomorrow morning we will charge him, so he could go to court for nine o'clock. The other day, I call, and I ask them if the man was being charged, and they say not yet, too much rain. The police can't come, too much rain. I tell them that the police don't travel under rain, they got vehicle, they could travel. A friend of mine called me and said, Mr. Requena come close to the police station. You will see this Chinese man standing up in front of the police station compound? The man was release. My life's is like a bird, me and my partner is like bird, because at the end of the day the man took us lightly."

"And the police take us lightly. We give a statement, we want court action, and they don't do nothing about it."

Jules Vasquez
"Sir, are certain he was not charged?"

Brian Requena, Says Driver Pulled Gun On Him
"He was not charged."

Jules Vasquez
"Did you inquire with the police after that?"

Brian Requena
"I inquire with the police because after he was released, they never arrested him back from then, up to this day. They complain about elements of crime. The element of crime is there. The vehicle, the Chinese man, the gun."

"What else do they want to make this man get charged sheet? Everything is there. So at the end of the day why you all can't charge this man. What is the issue? If they are collecting, collect and make the man go to jail and make it easy for you all."

"You don't make this thing hard because at the end of the day you are making people start to think different. At the end of the day now the only thing left for me to come to you, Mr. Jules, and make this public, because at the end of the day, that's serious issue."

"When it comes to firearm, that's a serious threat. Jules, if that was me, pull that gun on the Chinese man and he complained. I would have been at Hattieville a long time sitting down eating hard bread, so what is the difference me and him?"

Police reports we have seen show that right after the incident the 71 year old of Steadfast Village was detained and his licensed Glock 19 pistol was retrieved and held as evidence - but still no charge.

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