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BDF Commander Says They Contacted Next Of Kin
Mon, January 20, 2025
In the first break you heard from the family of the slain BDF soldier. They say the BDF never even contacted them.

Today we asked the Brigadier general why Baizar's wife and children were not the next of kin to be informed first, Loria says that he was told that Baizar and his wife had divorced:

Brig. Gen. Azariel Loria, Commander, BDF
"Don't feel insulted we were trying to ascertain who is the next of kin for the private soldier."

Jules Vasquez
"Which is her son?"

Brig. Gen. Azariel Loria, Commander, BDF
"No well initially he had that it was the wife, the wife is the next of kin, but we were told last night with the information that we got was that they got separated and divorced, so he had as his second next of kin, his mom and that is what we, we followed our books, our 108 what we call our forms, we followed out books and notified the mom who is the second next of kin which in this case if they with the information that was provided at the time we believe that they were legally divorced, but if such is the case and our staff officers have contacted her I will take the opportunity here to express out condolences too because I know that we are hurting."

And as for Baizar's beneficiaries, Loria says that the courts will decide on that matter.

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