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Pablo's Parents Make Peace
Fri, February 7, 2025
Today both parents of 6 year old Stella Maris student, Pablo Gabriel Orellano, who drowned on Monday in the hangar area, settled matters at the family court following his death. In an interview with Pablo's father yesterday, he alleged that his wife was withholding documents from him to bury little Pablo.

But today both parents seem to have arrived at a compromise, and gave Jomarie Lanza a joint interview agreeing that they will both bury the child together next Monday.

Voice of: Mariella Orellano
"What we were talked about is that we reached an agreement to have peace, so I can bury my child peacefully s he can rest. That we will no longer fight, and we will leave everything to peace because my child needs to rest. He and I have come to a conclusion that we will leave all the problems alone because my child is no longer here, and we will do things normal since the child is no longer here so why continue fighting. It has affected my life because most people commented yesterday that I am interested in money and all that and I am not interested in money."

Vidal Orellano, Father of deceased
"What I wanted was to reach an agreement with them to be able to bury my child peacefully and that my child can rest because my child is not resting with so many problems and now we have reached an agreement and decided that we are going to leave everything alone and that my child can rest."

We'll keep following the story.

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