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GOB Brought 16 Loan Motions, UDP Cried Foul
Fri, February 7, 2025
After that recess, things calmed down - and that's when they got to real work debating the 16 loan motions before them.

A number of them had to do with re-financing - and that led to questions from the opposition:

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Basically, what we are doing, Madam Speaker, is trying to better manage the cash flow of the government. We have negotiated with our good friends in Taiwan. Basically, what we're doing is asking for a further deferment of paying the principal, which will be for the next three years."

"By doing that, Madam Speaker, we'll be able to better manage our cash flow to the tune of over 30 million US dollars."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"And they're saying that they're broke. They're saying that they have a cash flow problem. He's saying to manage cash flow. Why can't you pay your facilities if you have the cash, Madam Speaker? This government has borrowed over $3 billion, Madam Speaker, with a B."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"To talk about $3 billion that we borrowed, then I will challenge you today. List out the $3 billion that we borrowed. This is $39.4 million US that we could use to continue to invest on the Belizean people. And if you can understand that, or refuse to understand that, or don't want to support us to continue to help the Belizean people, then you don't belong on that seat."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Because all that we have had over the last four years, Madam Speaker, is loan motion after loan motion, and people's life continue to get worse. The teachers are protesting here in Belmopan because they can't get their money."

"Firefighters are doing go-slows and sick-outs because they can't get their money. CWU has given notice of industrial action, because they can't get their money. So we are borrowing all of these monies, Madam Speaker, for what would appear to be just causes, but it never does translate to the Belizean peoples."

Patrick Faber, Collet
"I don't understand how it is at the very last, what could possibly be the very last meeting, you are attempting to borrow in excess of 200 million dollars and in the other instance, kicking hundreds of millions of dollars down the road. Something has got to be wrong with that."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"I really have to play Boledo today. I never played Boledo before. I have nothing to do with the Prince of Belize, so I have no affiliation to Boledo. But the reason I have to play Boledo is because I am going to stand here and say that I associate myself with the member from Collet, and if the two of us agree in this honorable house as to this suspicious activity, what could only be perceived as to the suspicious activity of $200 million being borrowed in one sitting, Madam Speaker, then you know something is wrong. How is it that the Belizean people cannot look at this as very, very suspicious activity on the eve of a general elections, Madam Speaker?"

The house meeting is still ongoing, and we'll have more from Belmopan later on in the news.

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