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You may recognize her as the Chairlady for the Leadership Intervention Unit, a leading youth advocate, or a former morning show host, but in whatever capacity you know Dominique Noralez, tonight she's taking her game to another level.
The 28 year old has earned a prestigious scholarship to pursue a masters degree in Peace and Conflict studies, under the Helmut Schmidt Programme, Public Policy and Good Governance at The Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.
We spoke with her today about why she felt that this particular programme was perfect for her.
Dominique Noralez, Scholarship Awardee
"So this process started around July of last year and a little bit before that, because that was the deadline for this scholarship and I applied. In November I had my interview and made it to the other phase. And then in January, we found out for sure. My interview was lovely. I think it was it was very discursive it was very natural."
"The program coordinator was the person who led the interview because this scholarship is different in that you don't do this whole pile of work without getting the scholarship right. So it works by phases. And so when I got to that stage, they already had gotten my motivation letter. It's the school that interviews you, and then they nominate you to the German Academic Exchange service."
"So it was with the academics that you were talking to first before you even talked to the you don't even talk to the scholarship people. They just kind of go with what the school says. So, yeah, it was it was great . Long, you have to be really patient, but I think it was really smooth for all it was. This scholarship is given so developing countries can have internal capacity to do these sorts of things."
"And this this particular program was just, I think, written for me. And so that's why I applied for this one."
Noralez leaves in June for the two year course.