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Compol Says Raheem Usher Was Captive For A Month Before Being Killed
Fri, February 28, 2025
Last night we told you about the discovery of the body of murder victim Raheem Usher. It was found wrapped in plastic and a bed sheet which bore a chilling message to 2 police officers and other underworld players in the north.

Today the compol says he doesn't think it's the cartel - but he did add that whoever it was - they likely held Usher captive for a month before killing him:

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"The body from observation done by the police and the scenes of crime personnel exhibited what appeared to be two gunshot injuries. It also had a long, or only the body itself, a note written on a canvas and the note basically outlined the names of a number of persons."

"The body was later retrieved after the scene was processed and transported to the hospital where it was pronounced dead on arrival. The note found was kept by police as a part of the police ongoing investigation into that matter."

Jules Vasquez
"What do you make of the contents of that note?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Well, from my experience and observation, I know that there has been much talk in the media and in the public that this is a cartel hit or a cartel type killing, but I can say and I hope that I am right that this is not done by no cartel, but rather done by locals trying to make it look like cartel."

"That incident bears no signature of the cartel. One, we need to look at where the body was found. It is not an era prone to cartel operations. Two, cartels will not handcuff you front way. Three, if we look again at the note written in English, cartels will not write in the note in English."

"And even the manner in which the body was found, there are several things that I could outline that makes me believe that it has not to do with cartels, but rather by locals operating in the northern districts who are trying to make it seems as if it was done by the cartels."

Jules Vasquez
"But would you agree, though, that it takes a higher level of sophistication and precision and care in how they dispose of the body? It was wrapped in a very elaborate way, even the note was written in a very specific way."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"But of course if you're trying to paint a picture and try to make something look a certain way you'll do as best as you can to make it appear that way and even so to me there is no such precision as you have outlined just a while ago it's just they took the body and wrapped it up in some plastics and throw it out there. I don't see nothing special about that at all, at all."

"But what about locals working with cartels?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Yes that is a possibility that the persons who we believe are behind this killing do have cartel connections, so we're looking at that as well. But again having cartel connections and cartel doing something is two different things. You'll find that most of the the local drug operators in the north do have some cartel connection but that does not mean that every act that they carry is done on behalf of the cartels, no."

Jules Vasquez
"You believe he went missing on January 25th, Do you believe that he was murdered at that time and then held for a month and then dumped? Or do you believe that they kept him alive and a hostage somewhere and then killed him more recently?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"The way the body was found would depict that he was recently killed and not killed long ago. Had he been killed long ago, the body would have been in some state of decomposition or advanced decomposition."

"The signs on the body do not depict that it was killed long before it was found."

"Was a coast guard and was he on suspension?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"From what I have been told he was a coast guard, but was dismissed I think about three years ago."

Jules Vasquez
"But was it a failure of the police that somebody had this man hold in little Belize for a month and you all are unable to find him or maybe sufficient energy was not expended?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Everything, Jules from your standpoint, would be a failure of the police. We just have to accept that from you. Certainly the police is not in every homes. We did work with the family in conducting searches. It's not little Belize as you may want to see it. The country is 8,866 square miles. Huge landmass. We have a broad Caribbean Sea. He could have been anywhere."

Jules Vasquez
"But sir, he was abducted in Libertad."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I'm answering your question. Give me time to answer. I can't answer two questions at the same time. You're not going to try to confuse me. Not on this beautiful Friday morning. So as I was saying that we did exert some efforts in trying to locate him along with his families."

"But that was futile. The area where we were told he was last seen, where he was dropped off, we checked that area. We checked the homes as well and nothing came up. And so I will not accept that it was a failure of police."

"I do believe that we exerted as much effort as we could have."

Jules Vasquez
"Did he bear signs of having been tortured or starved or malnourished during that time? From the little you know."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Well, I don't have that medical background to say if there is some sign of malnourishment on his part. I did not personally view the body. But from what I am told in terms of being tortured, there is not much signs there of being tortured."

The Commissioner says they do have persons of interest they are looking for.

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