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Tracy Takes On PUDP Adversaries
Thu, March 6, 2025
Yesterday you went along with us on the campaign trail with Kaya Cattouse. She's going up against the current two term area rep, Tracy Panton.

As the election day draws near, Panton, who is leading one faction of the UDP finds herself under attack from all sides: her rival party leader has sent Jose Uc Espat against herald Anthony Mahler has pledged to throw his campaign machine behind Kaya Cattouse - now that he's already won by default.

But, Panton says she's survived heavier attacks from bigger PUDP enemies and survived because of the relationship she's built with her constituents. And she believes that will save her again.

We joined her yesterday evening through the streets of the Albert constituency. Courtney Menzies has this story.

For the first time the Albert division will see two women facing off against each other, but whether they will remain with the rep they've had for the past two terms or go with the newbie will be seen on March 12th. And while Kaya Cattouse is confident she can bring home the win, Tracy Panton says she has a secret weapon.

Courtney Menzies:
"You have a comparative edge in that you've been working in this constituency well over a decade. Do you feel like that's maybe your secret weapon when you go against your opponent who's a newcomer?"

Tracy Panton, TP UDP Area Rep., Albert
"I think my secret weapon is love and respect. I respect everybody in this constituency, whether they actively support me or not. I think the time has come in Belize where we have to elevate the political discourse. We can agree to disagree but ultimately we're all Belizeans and we all want what is good for this country. The people in Albert know that I love them. When things are good I love them and when things are not good, I love them, when we're in office I love them, when we're not in office I love them and I am accessible, they can find me, I think that's the secret weapon."

And while Panton is seeking to elevate the political discourse, every election sees its fair share of mudslinging. This time around, her opponent has made comments about her appearance and what she deems as her lack of work in the Albert Division. But Panton isn't fazed by any of it.

Tracy Panton, TP UDP Area Rep., Albert
"I really don't think she has any moral authority to say that. She has been in city council for 3 terms and the city council is responsible for the streets, drains, garbage, and we see that I have to be calling city council to clear empty lots, I don't think she has the moral authority to say that. If she was active in the division working as a city councillor, maybe then she would be able to speak to those issues."

Courtney Menzies:
"Most recently your opponent made very not-so-nice comments towards you during a speech she gave. you came out against it, saying you won't let it get you out and whatnot. Do you find it particularly disheartening because like yourself she's also a woman?"

Tracy Panton, TP UDP Area Rep., Albert
"I think that's the part that I find most disheartening, I've always been supportive of young politicians, of young people, particularly young women, I believe we need more women in politics and I am encouraged when I see young people offer themselves for office. It shows a certain level of immaturity I believe and I hope she has learnt from it. She took quite a backlash from all over this country, in fact I believe she's lost some voters because of it. I had a voter just this morning who I've always known to support the PUP, and an older woman who called me this morning to say I'm voting for you, I don't want that kind of representative being my voice here in Albert. Hopefully she will learn from it."

And though Panton won by less than 50 votes in the last election, she believes this time around, it'll be different.

Courtney Menzies:
"Last election you won by like 40 votes which is a close call. Do you feel like the energy this time around is different than then?"

Tracy Panton, TP UDP Area Rep., Albert
"Of course. The UDP lost 26 seats. We were up against a blue tsunami. I was up against 4 men fighting against me in Albert. My opponent and three other very formidable leaders of the PUP were actively working on the ground in Albert and I was able to withstand that tsunami so certainly I have no doubt that we have done our work, we continue to do our work, we remain humble, humility is very important when you seek to serve others. Humility and respect and ultimately there's a genuine connection between myself and the voters here in Albert."

Tomorrow we'll take you to Mesopotamia with Lee Mark Chang and Shyne Barrow.

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