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Demand For Police High, Supply Insufficient
Thu, March 6, 2025
And while building a new substation is one thing, it can't function to its capacity unless there are enough officers on rotation. And that's a big ask for the police department which is in high demand. We asked the commissioner if at times they do run into issues when it comes to ensuring each station is fully staffed, and he said yes that often he feels they tend to spread themselves thin, but hopefully this will be remedied soon.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Well the truth is yes we are stretched thin. But there is also a need for us to expand and to decentralise our services. At the end of the day we provide a service to the community and when we have stations that are not so accessible to the public, it tends to take away that sense of security from the people and so yes as much as we see stretched to a certain extent, we have to find ways to be able to make sure that we reach as much people as we can. And again we have a recruit squad in training which should be coming out very shortly and while we may not be able to fully staff the station right now when the recruits come out of training late may early June we will fully staff this police station."

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