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Effort To Block Election Was Instructive Says Enrqiuez
Thu, March 6, 2025
And, as we told you yesterday, Ramlogan and his client Jerry Enriquez threw in the towel yesterday - formally abandoning their application and its various appeals. Enriquez spoke to us today via zoom about lessons learned:

Jerry Enriquez, Citizen Activist
"We decided, at this time, it is too late, to move forward in the direction that we wanted to go. And we decided to withdraw the application for an expedited appeal hearing. But technically not the appeal itself, just the expedited hearing."

"But yet we have not given up our determined fight to ensure that the Prime Minister carries out his promise this time to have fair apportionment of electoral divisions. So we're going to keep on the up until that is completed."

Jules Vasquez
"Have you learned anything in this entire undertaking and this mad rush? About the nature of how power is wielded and articulated in our society?"

Jerry Enriquez, Citizen Activist
"The power is very, very concentrated. I was I've learned recently that or that is confirmed even recently when we wrote to the governor general, we wrote to the attorney general, the prime minister, the speaker of the House, all to find out that they are represented by a small few elite attorneys, who are aligned with the political party."

"How can they objectively defend the people when they want to carry out their political party mandate? And in a sense, leave the people powerless. So here where I'm struck with a question that keeps circling in my mind, who do people turn to when their constitutional rights are violated repeatedly by both major political parties who are insistent on continuing that violation?"

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