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Father Of 4 Killed In Front Of Child
Tue, March 11, 2025
And, as an act of retaliation, the Caceres brothers were the next to be targeted. Except, they got the wrong brother.

Rafael Caceres was a working man and a father of 4 who was murdered in front of his youngest child while he slept near the doorway of their home in the Faber's Road area.

Jomarie Lanza met with the grieving spouse this morning. She shared with us how she lost the father of her children in the blink of an eye in broad daylight.

After a long shift at work when he arrived home on Sunday, 41 year old Rafael Caceres made himself comfortable in this chair and decided to relax after having lunch. And with that he fell asleep oblivious to the fact that a gunman would soon run up to the entrance of the house and end his life while he slept. His common law wife April Slusher says their 3 year old daughter was less than a foot away from him when it happened.

April Slusher, Common Law Wife of Deceased
"I got up and took in the plate, went in there and told him babe I'm coming back right now and when I came back by the time I came back it's because I heard, bang, bang, bang bang bang. When I ran out here, all I shouted was "P*ssy watch what you did you killed my man" you think he looked back? He ran straight, he didn't even run down the step he just jumped he just jumped down the step and when I got to the door and started screaming and screaming that's when my brother tried to run him down but her already had the upper hand because the way he came in it was like if we knew him we don't even know this person who came here to come and take my husband life like this."

"My baby was over there across from him and she was just shocked, she didn't even see because the curtain was there he just politely came and pulled the curtain and I'm telling you this, it hurts, it hurts."

Police say that the incident was an act of retaliation for a shooting that had occurred the night before. But Slusher says their family had no involvement whatsoever, nor had they seen any of her husband's relatives that day.

April Slusher, Common Law Wife of Deceased
"That news they are getting that a brother came here. Anyone who knows me knows April and knows I won't harbor any brothers. I drive that vehicle they see me in and know that no brother was in that and no brother came to my house where they killed him. And you know the coward that killed him, killed him in this same chair I am, and he was sitting when they killed him that's all I want that coward to know, what he took away from my kids and me he killed a good man because my husband is gone but his legacy and people who know him will still carry that on and speak the truth and tell everyone what a good person my husband was they can't paint anything on him my husband was sleeping. So that coward who came up and made that false mislead news about a brother in law who was here and we were hiding him. I don't play that."

Now this mother is left to care for their 3 girls on her own, something she says her husband took pride in: working hard to ensure their girls had everything they needed

April Slusher, Common Law Wife of Deceased
"He, I'll never get nobody like that, that was a one of a kind I had, iIll never get him back. That's why for me to sit-down in front of you and cry I prefer to do that on my own time I cried enough I cried sunday for him the brave person I had, I put on my strong."

"And I just ask for justice for him, that's all I ask because it's a real one they took from me, fathers like these you need in your society. Each one teach one, he was that everybody who knew him , knew he was like that."

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