Before the break we showed you UDP hopeful Mark O'Brien. His "SB UDP" candidate Dr Nelma Jones Mortis does not have such a path of possibility. She's stuck in a three way race, and that's just to get past her UDP colleagues, not even to mention the PUP incumbent, Gilroy Usher.
We met her on the campaign trail yesterday - and here's what Jules Vasquez asked her:
Nelma Mortis was confident as she campaigned yesterday on Arlington Drive:
Nelma Mortis, SBUDP - Port Loyola
"The people in Port wants a changed, so it is from that end that I believe we got this."
But she's on a ballot with two other UDP aspirants:
Nelma Mortis, SBUDP - Port Loyola
"We're not worried about the other two UDP, we're worried about... I am new in this area, I am a woman, those are some plus, and I am the first on the ballot. So that simply means that no mistake can be made for Dr. Nelma Mortis Jones. And it doesn't reflect well on who we are as a country, because nowhere else in the world you will see more than one candidate with the same colour on a ballot. That's like we are still in the cave, it's embarrassing."
And she's banking on her womanhood as a defining difference:
Nelma Mortis, SBUDP - Port Loyola
"The people of Port need to look at the bigger picture and see that they need somebody who can represent them. And putting a woman there, we are healers, we are mothers, we are wives, we know to organize, we know to keep a home."
"I mean, that's the first principle that is coming to Port, and that's what I want to leave with the people of Port. They'll be taken care of."
Jules Vasquez
"Nobody wants to hear none of that. People want hear what you got to give me, right now."
Nelma Mortis, SBUDP - Port Loyola
"That's definitely not true."
Jules Vasquez
"Elections are transactional, are they not?"
Nelma Mortis, SBUDP - Port Loyola
"It is transactional here and there, but not everybody is in that that position. There are people who are sincerely hoping and waiting for a change."
Jules Vasquez
"So is a lack of campaign financing affecting you as a candidate?"
Nelma Mortis, SBUDP - Port Loyola
"Not necessarily, not necessarily."